Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Become an energy healer and master of qi.

Gain a energy healing ability. Instantly become a powerful healer.

Grandmaster Tu is welcoming new students from any country to become initiates in this previously very closely held art. My own teacher who gave me the ability to control qi energy to a very high degree, and allowed me to start Trigram Healing is now available to those interested.

It only takes a day or two to transfer the knowlege. Students will be receive the following knowlege and initiations. The San Jiao Universal Qi school is the most powerful initiation you can find where you can instantly gain supra-normal abilities.
--ability to send qi energy from hands
--ability to send qi from a finger
--ability to send qi from eyes
--ability to send qi from 3rd eye chakra point
--ability to do distance healing
--ability to do healing via telephone, video, etc.
--initiation and empowerment to write special healing talisman words (fu) that encompass a list of fu, dealing wide spectrum of ailments and problems.

The cost is around US$3800 for 2014, rising to $5000 next year. Students must travel to Hong Kong, as this is the only place in the world to receive these unique teachings.  It takes a day or two classes to explain everything, and I will translate for the non-Chinese speakers. Contact for more information. Please check for all the information in one place.