FREE Hypnosis, Healings, Guided Meditations on Youtube.
Anxiety Attack Relief Hypnosis
Hypnosis for Relief of Back Pain
Hypnosis to Enjoy Life (for people not currently loving every minute)
Increase Fertility Guided Meditation
Increase Fertility Distance Healing
Liver Detoxification and Cleanse Hypnosis and Distance Healing
Hypnosis for Better Skin
Immune System Boost
Exorcism of Attached Entities
Hypno-Healing by Jesus Christ
Hypno-Healing by Divine Light
Have a Great Day Rapid Hypnosis
Hypno-Massage Spa Visit
Emotional Freedom (cuts emotional ties to people who are no longer serving your development)
Manifest and Magnetize your Soul Mate to You
Increase Creativity Hypnosis
Radiance Confidence Charm Hypnosis
Hypnosis to Feel Beautiful
Emotional Control (control how you feel at any time)
Hypnosis Acheive Goals
Hypnosis to help Cure Cancer
Cure Lonliness Hypnosis (helps you acheive meeting people)
Cure Shyness Hypnosis
Manifest Money and Wealth Hypnosis
You are a Money Magnet Hypnosis
Ever wish you could just discard negative, afraid, self-destructive thinking altogether? Just wash out the old and install the new like a software upgrade?
Want to think more positively, think like a thin person, millionaire, or fit and healthy, or very confident, joyful, etc, person?
You can get there, and when your thoughts change, your life will change. This is the basis of all manifesting, mind-body, mind over matter type of method of therapy, from Napoleon Hill "Think and Grow Rich", to "The Secret" to hypnosis and hundreds of other therapies out there.
We've all tried to change our thought patterns, and we generally fail, simply because the previous neural patterns that are hardwired into our brains are too strong, and take time to alter.
Repatterning take repetition, alot of repetition. Then it takes some ratification, which is you will have to start performing the new thought patterns in real life to show real life results. As you get results, your emotions start to shift, as you release the addiction to your old patterns, and start getting emotional payback for your new patterns.
Then more repetition, alot more repetition. If you have spent years building your old patterns, we must give ourselves time to build the new ones.Luckily, you can repattern your mind at top speed by using these free mind training videos.
400 Affirmations for Self Esteem and Confidence
500 Positive Affirmations (Happy Confident Life)
380 Healing Affirmations for Immune System Boost
1000 Affirmations to Attract Money and Wealth
125 Affirmations to Lose Weight
500 Affirmations for Success
Win the Lottery. Improve Luck
Selling Power. Sales Motivation for Sales People (1)
Selling Power. Sales Motivation for Sales People (2)