Monday, October 1, 2012

Free Distance Healing and Hypnosis for Cleansing

A beautiful waterfall scenery from Southern France makes a relaxing sound. This distance healing is for general cleansing, healing, health and relaxation. I was one of the first in youtube to make distance healing videos several years ago, not really making much effort to edit or compose the videos, yet they were quite popular. The obvious question people ask is, how is this possible to send healing through a video. I often say that its like downloading a software program on wifi, a few years back that would seem magic. Now its just regular life. The mind has access to higher encoding abilities that can encode intentions anywhere, onto any recordings, even books, artwork. Many healers or spiritual adepts in the past sent their intentions onto statues, books, places. The healers of today can use the power of the internet to spread healing intentions to a far vaster audience.