Saturday, May 16, 2015

The Most Powerful Affirmation for Manifesting

I've gone through thousands of affirmations, and I finally found it. THE ONE.
HERE IS the most powerful affirmation. Say it to yourself outloud. Hear the positivity: "Anything is possible."

It opens up doors to your deepest hope or wildest fantasy. Say it to yourself: Anything is possible." Feel your emotions suddenly shift to the positive. Feel the power of this statement, "Anything is possible."

Now imagine something in your life that worries you, be it career, love life, health, etc. Notice how when you think about your problems, your emotions get stuck, like sticky glue. Feelings in the body turn negative, and energy gets stuck. "Anything is possible" opens the door again. Things can have a happy ending. Things can go wildly right. There is no point on replaying the negative in your mind and getting all emotionally and energetically stuck. Just let the energy flow by thinking "Anything is possible."

Person A just lost his job. He is worried about his finances, he is worried about finding a new job before the money runs out. Person A finds it difficult to have fun or sleep at night. Person A is stuck emotionally because he is focusing on the negative outcomes.

Person B is in the same situation, but person B is continuously thinking, "anything is possible." Person B starts going down the mental path towards a postive future outcome. Person B feels good, because he feels his dream job is out there and is in a state of faith.

If you think of a goal. Just one goal that you have. Imagine the goal. Now, while thinking of that goal, think "anything is possible." Notice how pictures start forming in your mind of a very positive outcome.  Notice how incredibly positive the outcome can be.

"Anything is possible" is the ultimate manifesting affirmation, because it opens the door to massive universal energy. It allows you to dare to dream. It puts your mind on the path to the best possible outcome, and you feel good doing it.