When was the last time you told your body that you would appreciate its healing? . How many of your thoughts actually express to your body what you would like it to do. When was the last time you had a deeply positive, or even non-negative thought or emotion towards your body’s health?I love body healing is like finding the exact words your body needs to hear to reverse a negative trend, and hitting that button again and again to create a positive spiral of healing.

I love body healing is the most powerful affirmation for healing. You can repeat it over and over silently in your mind, like a mantra or prayer. It's powerful because it works as an antidote to the stress and fear, reactive thoughts. You counteract the mindset that sets the stage for the disease, and reverse it and go towards health. In neurological terms, it shifts your mind from being led by the sympathetic fight or flight informed thoughts, to a calm nervous system. You stop becoming complicit in creating disease with constant stress and fear, and you become an ally in your body’s self healing.
In repetition of this mantra, you are giving your body the mental green light for healing. We know that positive or negative thoughts affect the body, as the brain communicates with the body’s nervous system, affecting the organs, production of stress hormones like cortisol. , but of all the thoughts you have during the day, how many are actually encouraging your body to heal? Sometimes it's so hard to take that sliver of hope, when you are feeling down and defeated, and open it up into optimism. But with this mantra you can actually take a mental-physical state of sickness and rapidly change it to positive health within minutes. This mantra is like a magic lever to wellness.
Just ten minutes of repeating “I love body healing” out loud or silently in your mind is the best possible investment of 10 minutes of time because you cut to the chase: the essential powerful message, love of body, the desire to heal, and simply repeat that same message to make the intent stronger. You can repeat, I love healing, casually, without effort, to stabilize your thoughts and balance the nervous system. Or You can go deeper into these words, merging your emotions with the meaning of the words. The “I” puts your consciousness on your mind, directing you to the seat of the self, love opens the heart, evoking love and heart energy, good feelings and connotations, Body, put your mind on the body, that which is below the head. Healing? What does that suggest to you? Regeneration. Creation of newness, re-invigorating, rising up from a stasis to an active state. As you practice the words I love body healing, you build the strength of the meaning of the words. The powerful combination brings a miniature wave of healing over the body, each and every repetition, and it gets more powerful over time because the words sink in, the meaning sinks in. You create this powerful medical tool, out of mere words.
And you can personalize the mantra to your own particular issue by using the specific body part, such as I love stomach healing, I love skin healing. I love liver healing…And so on.
Practice this phrase over and over so that the healing state evoked by I love healing becomes natural, so you can sense the physical reality of encouraging your body to heal, so that it feels true. You may, at the beginning, find it internally strange to say I love healing, because perhaps love seems too strong a word to relate to your body, because you are used to thinking in the negative: I hate being sick, poor me---this indicates the emotional blockage to self healing. The way to overcome the blockage is keep practicing, constant repetition of I love healing until it feels smooth and natural in your mind and body. Become so congruent with I love healing, and the healing energies will flow through your body. It may become that , any time of day later, the phrase will just pop into your mind automatically and you will smile because it will feel 100% true. That's when you know you have truly internalized the “I love healing” mantra
If you are currently battling illness, and have a hard time imagining love and healing through pain or discomfort, just start this mantra. All thoughts add up, all thoughts have cumulative effects. You can start using “I love body healing” repeatedly even without the ability to muster positive emotion at the beginning. Blast through your pain and negativity with just simple repetition. The real power of this mantra is that it works when you are so desperate, so down, and only a sliver of hope is all you can muster. Just say it in your mind, for 10 minutes and just keep going. You don’t need to sit in any way. You can be in bed, or walking around. Mantras or repeated prayers naturally have a natural calming effect on the mind, and balance the nervous system, because you interrupt the flow of negative thoughts.
If you have no illness, “I love healing” still has amazing effects in improving your health and happiness, because you are green-lighting health, you are telling your body that you care that it is healthy . It is preventative medicine. Mantra repetition is an excellent way to fall asleep, and can help control insomnia. If you want to go a few steps further with the mantra, You can go through each part of your body, part by part, directing your “I love healing” message to that part. Mentally send “I love healing” To your organs, to your blood, any limb, any cell, any area of disease, or area of the body you would like to be healthier. “I love healing” works on psychological healing as well. It can liberate your mind from any current negative emotions, traumas, and past negative memories, because you change negative feelings with the positive energy force you generate with I love healing, disrupting long standing neural pathways or emotional blockages. Simply repeat the “I love body healing” mantra while you are in an emotional state that you wish to improve. Before and after you wake up, during the day when you are relaxing, or anytime you have time use the “I love healing” and you will feel how great it works. The more you do it, the more powerful the effects get, because your body gets the message, wow, you really do love healing. Use the mantra to heal others: You can also think about people that you know and direct “I love healing” to them, sending them healing vibrations, that will also positively flow through you. When you send healing to others, there is a bonus effect of healing yourself. You can even send I love healing to people who you don’t get on with and the positive energy will repair relationships.
How to get started? Sit or lay down comfortably, and simply repeat in your mind, “I love body healing” continuously, as slowly or quickly as you want, whatever feels right to you.