Saturday, November 25, 2017

Attract Your Dream Job With These Powerful Affirmations

The search for a job can really challenge  patience and self-esteem. It seems that everyone else has a place in society, reason to get up in the morning, and money to buy all the necessities of life, but the job searcher can feel lost and out of the loop, worried and depressed at the same time.

Affirmations fill you mind with positive thoughts so you don't have time to worry. Affirmations help get you the job because positive expectations pull you there. Affirmations change a neutral or negative outlook to a positive outlook, giving you that extra edge in your job hunt.

Affirmations focus on 3 major areas:

-Self-Confidence during job search
-Manifesting employment
-Manifesting a confident smooth job interview
-Manifesting a dream job with law of attraction

Play my video before you go to sleep, or during the day.  The relaxing tone is hypnotic, soothing for your subconscious mind, maximizing the impact of the affirmations.

 I have a magical vibration to work happily in my dream job.
I’m always right where I need to be.
 I find it easy to network with others
 The Universe is making all the perfect arrangement for my dream job.
I boldly go after what I want in life.
 My ideal employment is coming to me right now.
Every day I become more confident and more assertive as I experience trials and challenges.
I deserve to work in a dream job.
I have found my dream job.
I choose to enjoy the process.
 I am well-paid and having a rewarding job.
I am open to new ideas, people and situations in life that enhance my life.
 I am happy to work with a good boss and great team-mates.
I have faith in my patience and tenacity.
 Everyone around me is helping me to go from success to success at my dream job.
I will always believe in myself and my ablility to succeed.
 My new chosen career offers great freedom and reward.
 The universe is leading me to my dream job.
I am becoming one step closer each day to landing my dream job
I will attract my dream career
I am learning and growing every day.
I express myself wisely.
I am finding myself more qualified to do the job I wish
I am turning into someone who is hard working and motivated
I am turning into someone who leaves others wanting to work with me
I will develop the skills needed to achieve my dream job
I will do whatever it takes to get the job I want
I am becoming more confident by the day
I am transforming into a networking machine
I will become open to opportunities to achieve my dream job
Others see me as someone who is hard working and competent
I find networking with others easy
I have all the skills I need to get my dream job
I find it easy too remain calm under pressure
Being confident is the most natural thing in the world.
I am a valauble contributor to any company.
Others are always telling me I should come work with them
People see me as someone who goes after what they want
Being open to new opportunities has improved my life
When I look in the mirror I see a self-confident person looking back.
I am so ready to be at my new job.
Job opportunities are on the way to me now!
I am able to take risks and try new things.
I have a wonderful job for me which i love and enjoy.
I am open to positive changes.
I breath in calmness, and radiate confidence.
The right job for me and I are being brought together now
My ideal job is entering my life right now.
I have found the perfect job for me to be happy and restore my work/ home life balance - from this everything else is clicking into place.
Jobs find me.
Wonderful opportunities unfold before me.
I never give up and I try all possible ways.
I have integrity. I do what I say.
Jobs flow to me in a steady stream.
Fulfilling, well-paid jobs are flowing to me now.
I choose to be positive.
I give thanks for my new job that is financially rewarding
I am now attracting a fabulous job for fabulous pay!
I always meet challenge with confidence.
I have a strong sense of self worth that underpins my outward confidence.
I willingly jump at opportunities.
There are lots of job offers coming my way.
Every new day is new opportunity; I chooose to wake up feeling empowered.
I am a unique person with much to offer.
My powerful mind guides me to prosperity.
Jobs come to me easily and naturally.
I allow myself to feel successful, now.
I believe accompling my goals is possible.
Believing in myself is a choice I choose to make.
I am now hired for a wonderful, interesting, well paying job.
I gratefully accept empowering ideas.
I am a magnet for success.
Others see my self confidence.
I step outside my comfort zone and meet new challenges.
I trus myself to make good decisions.
I am now working fulltime at a wonderful, new, well-paying job.
Challenges are opportunities for growth.
Every step I take opens more of my path in life.
I AM now fulfilling my destiny working in the perfect job and industry for me.
I have a wonderful job that brings me a ever flowing abundance of wealth, happiness, security and the freedom to express exacly who I amt
Everything I do brings me closer to my right employment, and I look forward to each new day with joy, knowing that my dream job is mine now and is already on its way to me. And so it is!
There is plenty of work for everyone who wants to work, and my perfect job is waiting for me to claim it.
I have enormous confidence that I can handle anything.
An amazing job oppurtunity falls into my lap today
Now it is the most appropriate time to find a a good job.I am ready to work for a wonderful job.And my job is permanent
When it is time for a new job, the opportunity presents itself easily.
I am open to exploring possibilities of a new job future
I am worthy of any job I apply for.
My new job that I will love is on its way!
I am confident and courageous.
I have unlimited power.
The more I apply myself, the more I succeed.
I am a great learner, I can adapt to the job I apply for with ease.
I completely love and approve of myself, and I recognize my uniqueness.
Clear, positive thought relating to the job and circumstances I wish to have, allows it to come into my life
i have amazing job opportunities that are perfect for me to choose from
i am uncovering many amazing job opportunities that fit all my needs
My ideal job, is entering my life right now, and I joyously accept the generous offer
Every day I am learning and improving by every challenge.
I feel ok with my life right now even as I work toward future successes.
My perfect job is easily, lovingly, instantly & thankfully attracted & received by me now.
I have unlimited possibilities.
The perfect job is looking for me and we are being brought together right now.
When it is time for a new job, the perfect position presents itself easily
Opportunities are everywhere, I have unlimited choices I deserve to have a successful career and I accept it now.
I am good at job interviews
I am perfectly prepared
My vision of the future is full of success.
My resume is impressive
I am relaxed and calm
I am resourceful and creative.
I learn from every situation.
I am perfectly qualified for the position
I am confident and friendly
I meet life in a positive way.
I am a great worker who deserves to get a great job.
I rise to challenges.
I communicate clearly
I always give a great first impression
I belive I have the right stuff.
I always smile and speak clearly
 No matter where I am there is only infinite good, infinite wisdom, infinite harmony and love
Job interviews are easy
I can give a job interview with total confidence
Great communication comes naturally to me
I can easily impress any interviewer
I thrive under intense interview pressure
My talents and abilities are impressive
I am charismatic.
My attitude is professional at all times
I truly believe that I deserve the job
I find it easy to be interviewed for a job
I am calm and confident; job interviews are easy.
I am perfect for this position; I am their ideal candidate.
I love job interviews, and my energy is contagious.
I impress interviewers; I stand out above the rest.
I am an excellent candidate, and I exude capability.
I always give a great first impression
I always smile and speak clearly
My qualifications and experience are matching with this position.
I give great job interviews
Good communication comes naturally to me
My talents and capabilities are impressive
I am flexible and open to change.
I allow myself to dream.
I always give a great first impression
My attitude is professional at all times.
I am worthy of receiving a great job.
I act as if I am already where I want to be.
I am successful in my interviews.
I love my world.
Motivation catipults me toward my goal.
I wake up with enthusiasm to start the day.
I can be successful in any job.
I possess the wisdom, the power, the motivation, the passion to accomplish anything I choose.
I accept abundance that is coming to me right now.
I am an asset to any organization and I prove it in the job interview.
An amazing job opportunity is on its way to me today.
An exciting new career prospect is on its way to me.
Employers are impressed by my talents and skills.
I am filled with energy and vitality.
Employers are impressed by my presentation and personality.
I make an extraordinary impression in interviews.
I have inner peace.